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Wrocław Tech Date - Woman in innovative and high-growth entrepreneurship.

TechSHEroes is a mutual learning network to strengthen women in buisness, science, innovation and technology.

On December 7, 2023, we met at the Woman in innovative and high-growth entrepreneurship event.

The meeting was full of inspiration and mutual support among women in business, science, innovation and technology.

There was an official welcome to the event participants by Dr Anna Górecka. We exchanged insights on the challenges for women's entrepreneurship and scientific career development. We were joined by Dr Patrycja Sosnowska-Buxton, a researcher at the University of Stavanger (Norway). We also talked about such challenges in Korea. Insights were shared by Dr Hyeriem Pak (Korea)

After the speakers, it was time for the TechSHEroes Design Thinking Workshop led by Patrycja Radek. This workshop covered vision, mission and values.

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